Fertility Acupuncture
What is Fertility Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can help boost blood flow to reproductive organs and balance hormones and it also promotes relaxation and relieves stress which is why it is frequently used to assist with fertility. There are trials that show IVF success rates are higher for women who have acupuncture while undergoing IVF where it is typically used during the lead-up to an IVF cycle and immediately before and after egg transfer. Most recent research showed a 33.8% increase in success with those using acupuncture alongside IVF.
You may wish to consider acupuncture:
- If you are thinking about trying for a baby and are concerned about irregular periods, PCOS, previous pregnancy problems or miscarriages.
- If you have been trying to conceive for a while without success.
- To help with ongoing fertility treatment.
- If your embryo transfer is coming up and you’d like a treatment to try to help the chances of successful implantation.
Kate is a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network (https:www.acupuncture-
Kate has produced informative leaflets detailing both the practicalities and advantages of acupuncture for both natural fertility and ART/IVF. They explain in detail how and why acupuncture works. These are available at the clinic.
Our Treatments
- Treatment involves inserting extremely fine needles into specific points in the body to regulate the flow of Qi (chee)...
Facial Acupuncture
- Facial Acupuncture works to even out skin tone, improve muscle tone and help improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles...
- Cupping treatment involves the therapist putting special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction...
Laser Therapy
- Laser acupuncture treatment harnesses the power of light to stimulate cellular and neurological processes...
- Electro-acupuncture is where needles are placed in the body then connected together using small clips...
Fertility Acupuncture
- Acupuncture can help boost blood flow to reproductive organs and balance hormones and it also promotes relaxation and...
Gua Sha
- Gua Sha is a treatment that involves scraping (traditionally using jade) over the skin in upward motion...
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Get In Touch With Us
Kate's hours are flexible. Appointments can start as early as 8am and as late as 8pm weekdays. Weekend appointments are also available. Please check on line for booking availability or call to discuss most suitable times.
KMJ Acupuncture Ltd, Station Approach, Wrotham Road, Meopham, Kent, DA13 OHP
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